Sunday, November 30, 2008


It started like many Thanksgiving dinners before, a mad rush to assemble the food at the same time. Place it on the table in a presentable manner and herd the humans to the table all at once ,hopefully. Grace was said by Gregg and we all began to dig into the food. It was a normal meal when about 10 minutes into it an envelope was being passed under the table to me I was told to hand it to Rene'. I looked at it a second and hesitated, it looked important like a bill or something with dire implication. I passed it anyway. I watched as Rene' read it and then began to cry, no one knew what was up. Then Rene' shouted that Zack had been given a full ride to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The tears spread first to Eric, then Mom and Dad and everyone else. The young man had known for a while but told no one but his cousin Ian. The two of them had kept a secret. When the letter was passed around the table it acquired a huge amount of grease and gravy on it's edges, I read it and it stated the obivious Dear Zack we are happy to iform you that you have been accepted to: yady yady, but the thing that made me gasp was the amount the scholarship was worth $403,000 it includes a living stipend. Wow this is all this kid ever dreamed of and here we are honored to see it come to fruition. What a Thanksgiving!

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